We all feel at times short of ideas.
You are working on something and seem to be stuck. You are tired, and your mind is struggling with keeping up with your demands. You feel overwhelmed by circumstances and find it difficult to think clearly. There is so much going on in your head that no space is left for even one more thought. You try to answer a question, and your mind goes blank.
Whatever the reason for the need to regain headspace, there is something you can do. You’ll be amazed by how much you can boost your creativity in only 60 seconds.
All you need to do is to take ONE MINUTE FOR YOURSELF.
- Sit back and close your eyes.
- Take five L O N G, D E E P, S L O W breaths.
- Inhale from your nose, exhale from your mouth.
- Observe and enjoy the feeling of the air coming in and out of your body.
Take your time. The slower, the better.
By doing this, you will free your mind from some of the thoughts that were previously occupying it and make space for new ones. Also, you will improve your cognitive functions by raising the oxygen levels in your brain, which will enhance your concentration, understanding and energy level.
Too good to be true?
Try it out and experience it yourself. Then let me know how it goes!
Love. Simone