I did felt lonely. At times, I felt alone, I felt lost, I doubted the choices I was making, I craved stronger connections with like-minded people. I did not want to walk the journey alone. I wanted to share it with someone.
I knew that with support, I could grow faster and in a more enjoyable way.
In the past few years, I’ve created and nurtured a support network by implementing a selection of initiatives to connect with people in a meaningful way.
And one that I have found incredibly valuable and beneficial is running a small intimate self-development book club.
Have you ever been part of a book club or had your own?
If your answer is No, I strongly encourage you to create one. It’s simpler than you think.
In my case, I reached out to a few people I admire and was already connected to. I proposed a thought-provoking book to read and discuss together. Two people were particularly interested, and we decided to meet every second week to discuss a chapter of the book that each of us would read in our own time.
It took us six months to go through the first book, and we loved each and every meeting. We got so much out of discussing the book’s concepts, challenging each other’s points of view and getting to conclusions that we wouldn’t be able to accomplish on our own.
This is just one way out of many that help me to keep myself connected and supported. I don’t feel lonely or alone anymore. I have multiple occasions week after week where I have the opportunity to share my journey and grow together with others. And that makes me feel good, supported, part of something bigger than myself.
So in the spirit of that, slow down and take a moment after you read this post to ask yourself: what am I going to do to feel more connected and supported? How do I want to share my self-development journey with inspiring people?
Love. Simone