
Simone's blog

Are you frustrated with the progress towards one or more of your goals?

Perhaps you are not getting the results you want, and you are looking at ways to make substantial headway in one or more of your projects?

If this resonates, read on. I want to offer you an unconventional framework to look at your circumstances. I trust it will help you make sense of what is going on, identify what is missing, and focus on getting better results. 

To get the results you want in life, you need a solid structure of four components: a clear idea, a burning desire, strong faith and persistent effort. 

Allow me to describe each component briefly.

A CLEAR IDEA means knowing exactly where you want to go. It means having crystal clarity about the purpose behind what you want to achieve. It means having the ability to describe in detail your dream. The idea starts with a thought and takes shape by more thinking. The clearer the picture, the more motivated you are and the easier you find defining actions.

A BURNING DESIRE is the fuel that propels you to pursue your idea. The strength of your passion depends on how much you really really want your idea to become a reality. Needless to say, the stronger your desire, the higher the chances of you succeeding.

STRONG FAITH is both about believing in yourself and expecting the universe to allow your idea to materialise. It is about having confidence in your ability to work towards your vision and make it happen. 

PERSISTENT EFFORT is possibly the most crucial component of all. You can have a clear idea, a burning desire and strong faith and still achieve nothing if you haven’t taken the time to create a strategy, an action plan and dedicated time and effort day after day to execute the steps on your plan persistently. No persistent effort = no result. 

These four components are like the legs of a table. Each of them needs to be strong and of the same height for the table to be sturdy and balanced. 

Now, I want you to think of an idea you want to make a reality. Which is the weak leg of your table? Is it the idea, the desire, the faith or the effort? How can you strengthen your table? How can you make it stronger?

Please share your thoughts with me. I’d love to read your reflections!

PS: Whatever you are trying to achieve, don’t forget to complement the pursuit of such ambition with gratitude and appreciation for who you already are and what you already have in life. I trust you don’t want your happiness to depend on future results. The only moment you can be happy is here and now 🙂

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  • strong commitment to turning your vision into reality
  • Someone next to you that supports and guides you through the journey
  • Expanded horizons, wider perspectives and increased awareness
  • A calmer, more positive and balanced mind
  • Deeper and healthier relationships with those you care about
  • Clarity around who you are, who you want to be and what you really want 
  • A specific action plan that will be your roadmap to accomplish your vision
  • A feeling of confidence, excitement, motivation and contentment. 

The Plan

Define how you will achieve what you want
How will you accomplish your vision?
What specific actions will you take?
What habits, people and places fill you with energy and will support you through the journey?
What skills or knowledge do you want to acquire?


The Challenge

Do the deep inner work you need so that nothing can hold you back
What are your biggest challenges right now?
What is holding you back the most?
How do you underestimate yourself the most?
What thoughts and emotions would you most benefit from transforming?
What new empowering beliefs do you want to create?
How can you play to your strengths?

The Why

Have clarity on why achieving your vision is important
Why do you want to achieve that?
How achieving your vision would improve your life?
How will you feel when you get there?

The Dream

Create an inspiring vision of who you want to be and where you want to go
What do you want?
What does your ideal life look like?
What is your biggest dream?

The Reality

Be clear about where you are and what you want to change
Where are you now?
What is your current situation?
What are your biggest challenges right now?


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