I am not joking. In just a few weeks, my wife (Caro Jaramillo) will give birth to a baby, our baby! And ready or not, I’ll start my journey into fatherhood.
I feel as much excited and enthusiastic as nervous and insecure. It’s weird. It’s an emotional rollercoaster. And it’s the scariest decision I have ever made in my life.
I am 100% confident that it is the best decision I have ever made, but this has not always been the case. In fact, the opposite it’s true.
Let me explain myself. For years, many years, my mind has never even considered the idea of becoming a father. Not even close. My mind was very much focused on everything I might have lost, put at risk or potentially had to give up if I were to have a kid. This thought pattern was so strong and overwhelming that it left no space for other scenarios.
Having a baby was a complete loss of freedom, a burden, a massive unnecessary responsibility, and a terrifying threat to my beloved independence. End of the story.
The truth is, I was totally biased and unconscious of how such a strong fear was creating a one-sided perspective that completely buried a beautiful desire I probably always had deep inside me: to be a dad.
This is the power of fear. This is the power of our subconscious mind.
Which brings me to ask you…
Where in your life is fear holding you back from pursuing what you really want? How are the negative scenarios created by your subconscious mind stopping you from chasing your deepest desires?
Taking the time to understand, face and manage my fears has been life-changing for me. And I’d love to support you in doing the same with your fears! So you can transform it into enthusiasm and go for what truly matters to you!
Love. Simone (soon-to-be dad)