I help you build confidence, find inner peace and create meaningful connections.

My name is Simone Della Chiesa, and I'm on a mission to help you live your best life.
I’ve always found helping people incredibly fulfilling. I spent the first years of my career working as a global consultant helping my clients identify areas where they can improve and making use of technology to help them become more competitive. I loved listening to and understanding people’s concerns, making sense of information and working together to define the necessary steps that could lead to a better future.
It was fun. I was good. Everything was fine. But a part of me knew that something wasn’t right, something was missing. It took me a while to admit to myself that the life I once dreamt of wasn’t what I really wanted. It was hard to admit. I felt confused, disappointed, scared.
I did not have clarity on what my new dream life would look like. I just knew that I wanted to create a lifestyle of freedom, be the master of my own time, and most of all I wanted to embark on a journey to find the career that I would be completely passionate about living. I was determined to figure it out.
I decided to dive into an intense self-exploration. Helped by coaching and lots of self-reflection, I found the answer. I wanted to keep doing what I do best; helping people. But I wanted to do it for a higher purpose. I wanted to make a real and deep impact on the lives of individuals. I wanted to coach.
From the very beginning, coaching made me feel things no previous job ever could, so it was with excitement and enthusiasm that I invested my full attention, time, and energy into learning and practising how to support and guide people in living a more fulfilling and happy life.
As a transformative coach, I found my realm in the mind. I am fascinated by human consciousness and passionate about helping people understand how their mind works and how they can cultivate a more collaborative, peaceful, and beneficial relationship with it.
In the words of Peter, one of my coachees:
“You are the tour guide of my mind. You are the one that shows me around and explains what each thing is and how it works”.
Fast forward a few years, I am now a full-time entrepreneur and professional coach with a track record of clients who have cultivated a calmer, more positive mindset, gained clarity about who they are and what they want, and took action to transition with confidence into a more fulfilling and balanced life.
Bespoke coaching creates miracles. It sounds pretentious, but it’s true. You have all the answers you need, and I am gifted at guiding you to find them. You have power, passion and the right to succeed, and I am an expert in helping you unleash your full potential. You have a beautiful mind, and my passion is to take you to the greatest level of consciousness.
If you are determined to create a happier life, let’s talk and explore if working together is a good fit.